Tamara Thayer
and Presentations
Book Orders
A Country Doctor Goes to War is a great book for the student doing a paper on WWII, or for the reader who enjoys books about Minnesota history, WWII, or genealogy. Anyone will find it a compelling story of compassion for ones family, community and country.
The Mystery of Barbara Fritchie, a True Patriot is a must read about the conspiracy theory to debunk the patriotism of Barbara Fritchie. It is told from a new perspective from her 4 x's great granddaughter.
If you order the books directly from the author here she will autograph your copy upon request and mail it to you.

With so many "big picture" histories written about World War II, it is refreshing and remarkable to be able to read about one soldier's personal experiences and to view his photographs. The author has preserved Captain Thayer's journal--warts and all--so that the reader can experience both the good and the bad, and sharing his photos invaluabley adds to this intimate record of his life in service to this country. This book stands as a personal testament to the men and women who, like Thayer, were willing to sacrifice and risk it all in order to preserve and protect our freedom.
~David Allen, President of the Scott Hosier Veterans Roundtable, Rochester, Minnesota
$15 book + $4 shipping = $19
The books can also be purchased at the following locations:
Barbara Fritchie Airbnb, 154 West Patrick Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701. Books are for sale at the Airbnb. Check out https://stayinfrederick.com for reservations and purchase a book during your stay!
Beagle and Wolf Books & Bindery, 112 3rd St West, Park Rapids, MN 56470. 218-237-2665
Beauty Nook, 16 2nd St NE, Faribault, MN 55021 (507)-334-9344
Birdy's Bookstore, www.birdysbookstore.com, A Wisconsin owned online bookstore
Blue Earth County Heritage Center Gift Shop, 424 Warren Street, Mankato, MN 56001
B's Barn Door, 222 Main St. E., Waterville, MN 56096
Cottage Bookstore, 8331 S State Rd., Goodrich, Michigan 48438
Curious Iquana, 12 North Market Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701
Good News Book Store, 114 E 3rd St., Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 238-2656, 9 am- 8 pm
History Center of Olmsted County, 1195 West Circle Drive SW, Rochester, MN 55902
(507)282-9447, T-S 9:00 am - 5pm
IndieBound.org, available February 2021
Make it, Waterville, 103 3rd St S, Waterville, MN
Mama's Merchantile, 410 W Highway 60, Elysian, MN 56028 (507) 267-4480, 8 am - 5 pm
Martin County Historical Museum Gift Shop, 304 East Blue Earth Ave., Fairmont, MN 56031
Available later in 2021
Mayo Clinic Health System, Auxillary Gift Shop, 800 Medical Center Drive, Fairmont, MN 56031
(507) 238-8500, 8 am - 5 pm.
*Note: Just above the stairs from the gift store is a wall display of the history of the clinic and you will see Dr. Thayer mentioned there and in the main entry way by the gift shop on the wall to the right!
Nook and Cranny, 725 2nd Ave NW, Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 331-1041, 9:30 am - 5 pm
Red Rock Art Center, 222 E Blue Earth Ave, Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-9262
*Note: Across the street from the Red Rock is a museum that has Dr. Thayer's medical bag and picture on display!
Rice County Historical Society, 1814 NW Second Ave., Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 332-2121
The Rusty Flamingo, 205 5th St. SW, Elysian, MN 56028. Open Friday - Sunday
Saturn Booksellers, 127 W Main Street, Suite A, Gaylord, Michigan 49735 www.SaturnBooksellers.com
Serendipity Market & More, 14 E Patrick St, Frederick, Maryland 21701 (301) 360-5463
Sweet Reads, 407 North Main Street, Austin, MN 55912
Truman Historical Association Museum, 109 W Ciro St., Truman, MN 56088 (507) 776-7889
*Note: Dr Thayer's picture and other medical memorabilia are on display in a room dedicated to the medical history in the county!

$20 book + $4 shipping = $24
Tamara Thayer takes the reader on a journey to verify the family story she's heard all her life regarding her historically-famous ancestor, Barbara Fritchie. Despite meeting dead ends and conflicting evidence along the way, she conducted extensive research with passion and unwavering energy, continually questioning the authenticity of information she encountered. At the conclusion of her journey, she arrived at convincing conclusions that validate her admirable family legacy and pride.
~Ellen Bisping, MA and Ed. Spec. Degrees. English teacher for Middle and High School in Faribault, MN. Former teacher of the author.